Grateful for my followers

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

He had a gun..... ugh!!

 Hello, Thought I would pop in for a quick chat.  I am off today from work, and still trying to shake off this cold.. it's taking forever or so it seems.   Since I have been feeling better thought I would get in some laundry and sweep the floors.  It needs to be done, so we can get our Christmas Tree up.   Hubby got the bushes lit up with lights in the front of the house.   We don't usually put anything in the backyard, possibly a wreath hung into the back porch area.  

On Sunday evening while at work, it was the end of the shift.  I had a guy come into my line, as did another guy in the cashier line next to me.    They didn't appear to have anything going on, but I noticed as I bagged up his things, that the security officer was standing there waiting to ask him some questions.   Apparently the officer had noticed some shop lifting on camera.  The man shot back some bad words at the officer, then the other guy started shaking, was then escorted to the back of the store.  I'm not sure why, maybe to show where some items were stashed?   The other guy was taken out of the store, followed by an officer.    Both men were then talked to and given the chance to make it right, which one man did.  They were told that if they are to come back into the store and found to shoplift again that there would be no questions asked.      This made all the employees rather nervous.    As we got the all clear to leave for the night, the security officer then told me that one of the guys had a gun on him.  ( Just what I needed to hear! )  Which then the police officer also reacted with taking out his gun.  Apparently there could have been gun fire too... agh!!!   What a way to end the shift.   I am very thankful nothing really awful happened, as you read about in the news.   But now, I will always be on guard if things go on at the end of a night shift.   

I haven't been working on any more ephemera pages, yesterday I was coughing so much that I ended up with laryngitis.  Today, I do have a voice but it sounds a bit rough.   I was off yesterday as well.   I need to have these days off to hopefully start feeling better.   And looking into the month of December it looks as if I will have more days off which is good, I am looking forward to it.    I did take out some frustrations I had on the drums.  I'm sure my neighbors probably wonder who is making all that racket.  LOL   

Well, I better go, I need to make some dinner and my dog is wondering what I am doing as well.  

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.   Hugs, Mary

1 comment:

  1. Oh Mary - what an incident - rather skeery!! No doubt you will be more cautious on that later shift from now on!! Praying you recover from your cold quickly. Sounds as though you could do with the break!


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