Grateful for my followers

Friday, December 30, 2022

Hello! Create Greeting Card Journals

Hello fellow crafters,  I have been trying to get my YouTube channel all ready to go for the new year, but have decided to change in the middle of the stream to go to  to have my video channel there.  

   It had been several years that I had actually began my other channel on youtube, and to tell you the truth I have been dissatisfied, with how they make it more difficult than ever to "control" your creative content.    I won't get into right now, but I am pretty much done with YouTube.    I hope that you will come on over to, hopefully the link will work.  :)   

I am feeling so much better now that my voice has cleared more from having laryngitis.   That sinus condition held on for about a month, no kidding.  It was bad.  Thankfully, my husband didn't catch that bug.  He got the flu shot, and I bet he was glad he did!     I am currently waiting (and staying up well past my bedtime) for my video to upload completely at rumble.   Things just take a while that I am learning especially with video content.   

My husband and I will be attending a family gathering at the cemetery to honor his father's passing, today.    Then afterwards we will all meet at one of the restaurants here in town.     Christmas for so many that have lost loved ones can be rough.  And believe me, it is difficult, but I know my Lord will see me through and He does.   He did for us this Christmas.   I know that when we put our full trust in the Lord and what he did on Calvary,  then He makes a way when we don't see a way.   The Lord makes our crooked ways straight.   It's so much better when we trust in Him.  

Now my video is ready to be seen!  Here it is just follow the link:  

Thank you for coming by and leave a comment too if you would like!   Hugs, Mary

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Merry Christmas

 Hello fellow crafters,   It's hard to believe that Christmas is almost here.   And for some reason I have allowed this blog to be neglected.    I am here with another scan for you from a 1940's crochet pattern book, you may wish to download and use it in a junk journal or whatever.   :)

This one has a touch a Springtime theme, but you know its nice to think of Spring when we have a winter storm brewing off in the west sure to come around about sometime on Thursday afternoon, and yes, its a day of work for us.  Lovely.   I have about 6 pattern books and from time to time I will do a scan to share.    
Update on my health, I am doing so much better, still a little bit of laryngitis but not like it was before and a sneeze every now and then.  :)    Overall this flu like cold has taken about a month to get over with.   Next time I will get a flu shot.    
Well, one area I was hoping to get work done is my craft area... its still in shambles... meaning just full of boxes of bits and bobs of materials stuck here and there,  it can be difficult to keep my focus on cleaning when work comes up.   The holidays are meant to be a happy joyous time, but with so many family members gone, it can drag me down a bit.    I'm not what you would call depressed, just find myself thinking about our loved ones and wishing they were still here to enjoy the holidays and all the trimmings with us again.    
To make Christmas a little bit special, I've been trying to keep a good outlook by making cards.   All the ones that had to be mailed are already out and have been received by friends and family, but ya know there seems to always be those stragglers... you know those cards that you get in the mail after the big day... but hey that's okay with me.   I'm sure there are other's that have been strugglin' with holiday blues too.   Well before we grab the box of tissues lets lighten the mood with another scan shall we?   Yes!

This scan is from a song book from 1919 I believe, I guess it was to teach kids to write their own music?   I bet.  

Another scan from an old recipe book, for plum pudding

This might be good for those that love to collect recipes for junk journals.    

Also thought I would share a digital drawing of a festive mailbox from me to you.

I have always loved this design, to me there's nothing more festive than a mailbox filled with Christmas cards.   Please remember that this is my own creation, and its not to be sold or claimed as your own.  My signature must stay with this digital.

Now then,  I would like to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and best wishes in the New Year.  

Blessings and Hugs, Mary 

Before you go leave a comment its much appreciated.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Trims - 1944 style

Hello crafty friends,   Thought I would share with you some flea market finds.   Crocheted Designs - circa 1944.   These are free to download and print out to use in your junk journals.     Hugs, Mary


Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Vintage Christmas Card - Challenge

 Hello crafty friends,  there is a new Challenge at Christmas Crafts All Year Round, ( CCAYR ).   Here is my card for this month.  Theme is:  Waiting For Santa

Click on Badge!

The background for this fireplace came from an old 1950's Christmas card, but using my program I decided it would look great for the card I wanted to make.  The little girl is from a Rub-On - Girl's Toys Collage.  I found this at a local flea market.   I am glad I bought more when it was available.  The other embellishments of the stars and bells are from Our Warm Christmas - Die cut card pieces, these are from Journey of Crafting on Etsy.

Here is the fireplace background should you like to use it in your card making.

Vintage Fireplace Created by Mary S. 2022

I decided that I wanted the overall look of the card to reflect a vintage feel, so I used Distress Ink in vintage photo.
The card base (what little you can see of it) is from 49 and Market - Bold & Beautiful item # BB-88152

That is my card for this month, I hope you'll come on over and join in the fun at CCAYR!

Hugs, Mary :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

He had a gun..... ugh!!

 Hello, Thought I would pop in for a quick chat.  I am off today from work, and still trying to shake off this cold.. it's taking forever or so it seems.   Since I have been feeling better thought I would get in some laundry and sweep the floors.  It needs to be done, so we can get our Christmas Tree up.   Hubby got the bushes lit up with lights in the front of the house.   We don't usually put anything in the backyard, possibly a wreath hung into the back porch area.  

On Sunday evening while at work, it was the end of the shift.  I had a guy come into my line, as did another guy in the cashier line next to me.    They didn't appear to have anything going on, but I noticed as I bagged up his things, that the security officer was standing there waiting to ask him some questions.   Apparently the officer had noticed some shop lifting on camera.  The man shot back some bad words at the officer, then the other guy started shaking, was then escorted to the back of the store.  I'm not sure why, maybe to show where some items were stashed?   The other guy was taken out of the store, followed by an officer.    Both men were then talked to and given the chance to make it right, which one man did.  They were told that if they are to come back into the store and found to shoplift again that there would be no questions asked.      This made all the employees rather nervous.    As we got the all clear to leave for the night, the security officer then told me that one of the guys had a gun on him.  ( Just what I needed to hear! )  Which then the police officer also reacted with taking out his gun.  Apparently there could have been gun fire too... agh!!!   What a way to end the shift.   I am very thankful nothing really awful happened, as you read about in the news.   But now, I will always be on guard if things go on at the end of a night shift.   

I haven't been working on any more ephemera pages, yesterday I was coughing so much that I ended up with laryngitis.  Today, I do have a voice but it sounds a bit rough.   I was off yesterday as well.   I need to have these days off to hopefully start feeling better.   And looking into the month of December it looks as if I will have more days off which is good, I am looking forward to it.    I did take out some frustrations I had on the drums.  I'm sure my neighbors probably wonder who is making all that racket.  LOL   

Well, I better go, I need to make some dinner and my dog is wondering what I am doing as well.  

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.   Hugs, Mary

Thursday, November 24, 2022

A Share

 Hello,  I should be getting ready to go over to my nieces house for the get together but I am busy "playing" with some things to share with you all.  :)   

Hope you will like these images.  Use them for tear sheets, or in junk journals and tags.

Hugs, Mary :)   Leave some comment love. ♥

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving & chat

 Hello!  I've been MIA for several days,  due to being ill.   Flu like symptoms, but just with a head cold.  So needless to say, I haven't felt much like crafting.   I did work on a page but just not sure I like it enough to share it.   I don't craft well when I don't feel good.    I am feeling so much better and more like myself.       Thanksgiving is just in a couple of days, and I guess we'll be going over to my nieces house.   I really don't know what to bring yet, as its a pitch-in.   Seems like they have all the basics covered, and the one thing I like is mashed potatoes, but someone is already bringing a potato dish.    I thought about making homemade cookies.   Its terrible of me to be a cliffhanger but I am.   Heck, I could still make mashed potatoes but just keep them for us to eat.   :D     And instead of making cookies I could do bar cookies instead, not so much work involved.  Since I am still in recovery mode.    

And yes, since it is the holidays, I have been doing some online craft shopping.   I wanted to get some items from an Etsy shop I hadn't tried before...  I am still waiting on those items, it wasn't that long ago that she sent out the package.   It's little ephemera packages of Christmas bits and bobs.  I would like to use those in a card possibly, we'll see.   And as much as I look around at our local hobby store, they don't always have what I am looking for...  I like cardinals, poinsettias,  but they never have anything.  It drives me just a little nutsy!  LOL     And I can't forget about Black Friday, it will be a big shopping day for sure.   Not that I will be enjoying it.  Hah!    I will be manning my register from 9-4pm that day.   Thankfully, this time I was able to pick the hours I wanted to work, last year I worked a late shift, and stayed until 11:30pm to help straighten up the store shelves and such.    I don't really enjoy working on those particular events, but someone has to do it.   

Believe it or not I am still trying to get my side of the craft room organized, its been an uphill process.   I found a stamp I thought was lost.  It was just pushed up under a bunch of other things. That'll teach me.    And I found a cookbook I thought was lost.   It was tucked away in a bookcase in the living room.  :)   My husband couldn't understand what I did to "lose" it.  Well!  That's just how I am I guess.    When I was younger I could remember where all my craft things were, cause I didn't have as much to work with, and back then my desk drawers held it all.    Maybe once everything gets put away,  I will take a pic and show you.   I know you're just waiting at the edge of your seats.  :D     Well,  hope you all are doing well, like I said, I am feeling so much better.   Hugs, Mary ♥ 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Vintage Ephemera Page

Hello to my crafty friends, It's time to update this blog and offer another vintage ephemera page, free.   Use in your printed out scrapbook pages or cards and tags.  :)   With the holidays coming around the corner, its going to be a busy time especially at work.     And what's with this weather!?   Just a week ago we enjoyed temps in the 60's, now there is a frosty bite to the air, this has left me with sinus stuffiness... and you know how it goes with the nose.    That reminds me I need to keep taking my Vitamin C.    Later today, hubby has to go in to the dentist for a bit of surgery.   I think I am more stressed then he seems to be... he has to have an implant done.   I spoke with the dentist as far as my teeth are concerned and I said I will gladly have a bridge made, no implants please.   I am just hoping all goes well with him.     Anyway, here is the page as promised.   I will try and get more made.... I have to get up early in the morning for my shift tomorrow... but to get off earlier is all worth it.     Hope you enjoy using this vintage page.   I liked making it.   Hugs, Mary


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

O Christmas Tree

Hello again,  It's getting pretty late here in my corner of the world and will need to get some sleep, it's another late evening work wise.  :)    I've been just working with this program trying to get the hang of it and came up with another music sheet for you.    This is Christmas related.  :)   The music page is from 1914.   

I used distress ink from Tim Holtz to give it that extra charm of vintage, I was surprised to see the actual pages in such good condition.   I really love how this turned out.    Print out to use in your crafts, such as junk journals, greeting cards..

please do not sell in your online store, or share with others.  Just be considerate.* 

Thank you for coming by, would love to hear from you.

Hugs, Mary


Monday, November 7, 2022

Springtime music page

I thought this would make a beautiful page in your crafts, either as a background or as in a greeting card.   This one is for Springtime.  This one was just a practice to use in my program.  :)    *Please do not claim as your own, or sell in your online shop.*  You may use this page as a print out in your junk journals.

For those crafters that have left kind comments liking my works, I certainly appreciate it so much.

Hugs, Mary


In other words....

 Hello Crafty Friends!   I am busy creating Ephemera Pages just for you to use in your crafts.   There are many on the web that sell their things, but, I don't know that I am fully ready to start having an online shop right now.   I am really liking this vintage way of collaging all sorts of bits and pieces from all of my flea market finds.  This page is named: In Other Words.   Thought it was a bit catchy or silly one of the two, which ever fits for you.   Anyway, I think you'll find interesting quote in here from Abraham Lincoln; a poem; Spanish lesson; and so on...  most of the little items are from books dating back to the 1800's up to the 1950's.   The bottom portion of the page is my own works of artistry using the gel pad.   * As always, please use this page for cutting into tags, or in altered books.  But please do not sell or keep on file, or claim as your own.   Or I can see this being used as a Tear Page.     Anyway, I really enjoy making these and I hope you will too.

The holidays have come quickly this time around, or maybe its just me thinking that since I've been working.   Here in the U.S. we will be having our Thanksgiving with family, as it should be anyway.... but this year will be a bit different as in previous years we always had our get together with my brother and his wife.   It's hard to believe that she's been gone for 4 months.   It won't be the same without her.   And holidays, special events, are usually the most difficult when going through grief.   At least that's how it seems to me.    I found myself going through some recipes and clippings my Mother kept for so many years, it brought back so many memories of helping her when I was little.  I plan on sharing some of those recipes with you all too.   Those memories really made it seem more like these upcoming holidays... won' t be so bad after all...  it was like "visiting with mom" all over again.    My Mother was ready to go on to her Heavenly Home, and I know I will see her again in glory.  But,  I know I am selfish in thinking I would love to see her once again... to give her a big hug... and Dad too...  he gave such wonderful bear hugs.   How I miss those special hugs.   He's been gone since 1997.    I was hoping to get through this post without having to dab a tear from my eye... but I do miss them so much.  

I am dedicating this post to my parents and my sister-in-love.   We miss you, you'll remain always in our hearts.   Love you all and great big hugs. 

Thank you so much for coming by to visit, leave a comment before you go.  It would mean so much to me.

Hugs, Mary 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Vintage Digital Free

 Hello crafty friends,   I'm into vintage. If you haven't already noticed! :)    And I've been wanting to learn how to make and create my own scrapbooking ephemera  to use for cardmaking.   I would like to share with you what I have been making.   *This is a free digital image, you may use in your crafting.   Just don't sell or claim as your own work.    Just right - click and save to your computer.   Can you imagine actually winning your own Shetland Pony?  

Leave a comment, I would love to hear from you!

Just for you...

 Hello!  Just thought I would have a play with my design program.. and came up with some fun Tags & Labels.   They are free to download to use in your cards.  I'm always hunting around for tags to use in my crafting.. this digital can be resized to fit your crafts, otherwise the original size will be 6x6 inches.  Hope you like this... let me know if you would like to see more of this kind of digital graphics.   Thanks for dropping by and leave a comment too.   *Time went into creating this, so please don't sell it or claim as yours. ♥

Hugs, Mary 

Monday, October 31, 2022

What's Pink & Green?

My card!   It's all about the new Challenge going on over at CCAYR ( Christmas Crafts All Year Round ) you already know what the theme colors are...  Hope you'll join us this month!

My card is a Vintage Lantern which I found at a flea market.   All I did was to add in a bit of color to the bow and glitter pen to the snow atop the lantern.   I just love that this card seems to be in excellent condition.  I'm not sure how old it is.... maybe 1950's - 1960's.  I really don't have a clue. The back had no date, or where it was created.

I added the card to a base of dark pink, with a cream color flat card base.   In the pictures below you can see how nice it looks, no stains whatsoever.

Thank you for coming to visit, leave a comment if you wish.

As you can see I didn't add in any embellishments, I wanted it to remain just in original condition.  It just my way to preserve this wonderful find.  :)   I could send it to someone I suppose but I think it will remain in my care.  ♥

Preserving bits of history one card at a time.  

Hugs to all,  Mary

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Ahh, a day off..

 Hello!   Finally, a day off from work... I know that sounds so boring to start a post like that... but for me its a day to rest, do a bit of laundry to get caught up, and just to look over some of our latest finds from the flea market.   Yep, I have been on the hunt for something, anything that catches my eye.   Recent finds are Fenton Glass pieces.   And a crock (pottery) made in 1987.   I don't have any photos at this time but I will soon.   I've been especially interested in old vintage books, like I found song books, and others as well.    Work has been eating up my days as of late..  I just haven't had the chance to get photos, or post anything on my blog.   I made special time tonight though, just for my followers, or maybe it was just for me.  :)     Leave a comment so I know I'm not just talking to myself.    Speaking of "talking"...  I saw a shirt yesterday that read:  If you see me talking to myself, I'm having a staff meeting.   That made me chuckle.   

  And now I know I do have Carpel Tunnel Syndrome  in my right hand, how lovely.  Blah.   I know its from the repetitive motions at the cash register, pushing buttons, doing the scanner trigger, bagging up items... and since I'm right handed, well its the pits.    On a brighter note, I do have some time coming up where I have several days off, which is so needed.   I'm looking forward to it.. especially before the rush of the holidays hit.    

I have plans to make more crafty goodness too.   I may do an altered book, or just make a folder book type haven't decided yet.   There is one flea market that sells quite a bit of scrapbook goodies too, man, I am in love with this place.... well not with the entire store, just a corner of it.  :)    You know how it seems everywhere you look these days acrylic stamps or digital stamps are being sold.. well I still have a love for the old wooden type... yes they take up more room... which at the moment is at a premium... at least in my craft room, since I share it with my hubby too.

Well I'm going to get going now... my behind is letting me know I have sat long enough.   And bedtime is already here.  12:44 AM to be exact.    I hope you all are well.   

I would love to draw more too, but with my hand being the way it is, it makes kind of difficult.  

Hugs to all,  Mary  *Sweet dreams*  :)  

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Playful Penguins - New Challenge

Hello and Welcome to a new Challenge at Christmas Crafts All Year Round!  The theme this month of October is Winter Sports.    I'm not sure what happened to month of September but October is here!   

My card has playful penguins 

 I chose to use 3-D stickers, snowy background papers, from Hobby Lobby & Paper House Productions.   In fact, the stickers are from PHP as well.  Usually, I spend a bit more time in completing a card, but haven't had that much time off.

Thank you for visiting my blog, we hope to see you at CCAYR!  

Hugs, Mary

PS:  Just an added note, we are praying for all those affected by the horrible storm that passed through Florida.   Our hearts go out to you.

Friday, September 30, 2022

A quick hello

 Hello!   I just wanted to check in, can hardly believe we are at the end of another month.  Seems to be going by so fast, or maybe its my perspective.  Work is going okay, that's why I haven't been on here too much.  We were so short on cashiers... but now so many new faces, can't keep up with it all.  LOL   I would already be in bed, but had to stay up to make sure the bread got baked, now cooling... smells heavenly.    It beats having the house smell of fish.  :)  Which is what we had for dinner.     

Our hearts go out to all that were in the path of that horrible hurricane Ian.   So much devastation everywhere.   We are praying for Florida.  💓

On another note, you all should see my desk.  Its truly a mess.  Someday I really need to organize.  It's just so difficult to find places for everything.   

The cooler weather has put me in a baking mood, so tried out a new Brownie recipe.  It called for 2 cups of sugar.... whoa!!  I thought it might taste just as good not adding in as much but decided to follow it exactly.   Oh they turned out, but they are so RICH and dense!!  Next time, I will hold back on the sugar.    

Well, I've got to scoot, its another work day....   Hugs to all,  Mary

Monday, September 19, 2022

Welcome Fall....

Here's my little project I worked on this evening, found the white distressed "milk can" - free, setting out by a curb.  ;)   Of course I cleaned it up before using it.  

 Shopped around at Hobby Lobby to find these nice looking fall florals.   The ribbon was on sale, and I created the bow.    I struggle making bows. This is on my fireplace hearth, next to the tv stand. 

Hope you day is filled with blessings.   Hugs, Mary

Upcycled treasures

Hello!   My craft project is finished and ready to be hung up. I decided to focus the theme around the 1920's and to include the 1940's... the idea came from an old box of letters and cards that were purchased at a flea market.  I wasn't sure what was in the wooden box as it was securely wrapped.  To my surprise I found all kinds of hidden treasures of old letters and cards, written to family and friends.   I wanted a way to preserve some of these interesting finds, so I placed them in my upcycled dresser drawer.

I included Tim Holtz photo strips of people that could have been from that era, old postage stamps from the envelopes, and just various items helped to create this very unique craft project... which I love! 

The photo of the pony, was found in the old letters.

The glittery dragon fly and butterflies were added for a special touch and they are from Renae Bouquets.   To see details better just click on the photo.  The outside of the drawer was given a dry brush effect, using cottage white.  Which isn't shown in the photo.

Bathing beauties part of Graphic 45 papers.  

The pansies were part of an old greeting card.  Along with postage stamps and post marks.

I just love how everything turned out.  A coating of modge podge was added to protect.    The lighting at the time of taking pictures wasn't good at all.  Anyway its difficult to get a good angle.  :) 
Thank you for stopping by, and leave a comment I love to read them! :)
Hugs, Mary

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

August 30th

 Hello,  I wanted to let you know first of all how much I have missed being on my blog, and as always I miss your wonderful comments too.    I do have a project that I am currently working on and will post with photos as soon as I am finished...  I love the way its turning out.   I'll keep it a secret for now.  shhhhh

I do have some other news, my mother-in-law had taken a fall and broke her shoulder, she is now in recovery.  She didn't need surgery which is good.   But

 We are hoping all goes well for her.

Hope you all are well and yes, its another work day or evening.   :)   Hugs to all, Mary

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

A bit of crafting ♥

Good morning,  I've stayed up a bit longer than planned.   Yesterday I received my Distress Oxide Sprays in the post, and its just been lovely to work with them.   The colors I selected are:  chipped sapphire; tattered rose; salvaged patina; bundled sage; candied apple; saltwater taffy.   The other colors that I had on hand, are picked raspberry; spiced marmalade.   Here are two I created. 


Since I don't have a good place to take a photo, this will have to do, it would have been better in the daylight. 
I had a bit of fun with the top card, light tack tape, cut into strips, and a combo of using the distress oxide sprays and ink pads dabbed with a sponge.  I really like the look of a washed sunset with the look of water.   I wanted a butterfly to add a touch of whimsy, so using a sticker I had on hand from the Paper House gave it a nice touch.
The next photo is done with the sprays using a stencil that came free in my pack.   Art Stencils by Lisa Horton.
The inspiration came from thinking about the memory of my sister-in-law.  She would have loved these.  :)
I forgot to mention the card base is a thick watercolor paper.   I wouldn't recommend using a light weight card stock as it would curl during the drying process.

It's another work day.   I hope you all are doing well.   Please leave a comment, I really appreciate hearing from you.  ♥
Blessings, Mary ♥

**Just an added note, when spraying make sure to cover those things you don't want splotched.  My poor keyboard suffered in the process! **
It can be wiped off.  lol 

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Around the garden...and a chat


Thought I would pop in for a little visit.  Here are some photos taken earlier today, I just love to sneak up on little bugs that might be hiding on the top of flowers or between petals.   All the while I was looking for the perfect picture, a bug that sounded like a big jet kept buzzing around me, it was probably a horsefly.   

  I haven't worked on any crafting lately, just haven't had any motivation.   The other thing that happened recently and wasn't even sure that I should mention it but I will, my eldest brother had to have open heart surgery, on the day of the funeral for my sister-in-law.   So that could be another reason for my "low" feeling.    I received word that he is home now and is feeling okay.   If you think about it, please say a little prayer that all turns out well for him.  

On a good note, I got to visit with a friend I haven't really seen since the early 1970's or late 60's.  She and I grew up in the same neighborhood, right next door.   And how did we meet, well, she had come into my line at work.  When I turned to bag up her stuff, I thought she looked very familiar to me.   I asked if she remembered me, she looked into my eyes, because during that time I was wearing a mask.... and she said yes, I do remember you.   From that time on,  I have sent her some cards, and we've texted.... and this past Saturday we got together for a long chat and lunch at my house.   What a wonderful time we had.   ♥     And honestly for me, it was just refreshing to have this time together, especially since I no longer have my sister-in-law... I really feel like the Lord orchestrated that meeting.  ♥   Praise Him.

I wrote something down, in my journal... to remind me of God's love during this time of grief, and scriptures too.  I want to share with you.  
Neither be ye sorry: for the joy of the LORD is your strength.  Neh 8:10  
The righteous is taken away from the evil to come.  Isa 57:1
Willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.  II Corinthians 5:8   

When I think of my loss, I am thinking of just me, how I feel when that person is gone.   I wasn't ready to see them leave.  No final goodbyes.  No kiss on the cheek.  No I love you.   But I know deep in my heart she loved me.  I don't need to look downcast - look heavenward to our Heavenly Father as she rejoices always in Him.   She would want that.   Don't worry about me, she would say.  Keep trusting in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.   Amen.    You are loved, we miss you. ♥    

Thank you for coming by today, share some love, leave a comment.  

Hugs, Mary  

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Hello, in memory ...

 Hello to all my blog followers,

  Its been a while since I have posted anything on here, mainly just cause days roll into other days, work keeps me busy too.   And we recently got some sad news.   My sister-in-law recently had surgery to correct an aneurysm which went very well and she healed.  Then just recently she found out that she had cancer, she had been in the hospital for a couple of weeks prior to being sent home to hospice care.    Well, she passed away on July 2nd.   My husband and I didn't really get to say our goodbyes, or to even pray with her...  she went so fast.    Now she is in Heaven's Glory.  

She and I weren't very close, but the last few years I would have to say that we talked more, and visited.

She is and will be missed.    Yesterday I worked on a craft this is what I made in memory of her.   Apricot and pink roses line the inside of the pail, which often were her favorite color of flowers. And added in 2 pink butterflies, and a clear glass heart.  Lace was added around the outside rim.  Everything except the pail and movie tickets, are from Renae Bouquets shop.   I decided to add in Tim Holtz movie tickets because she use to watch movies.     Even though we had a rocky start to get to know one another, the Lord worked it all out in His good timing.   Praise Him.   

I hope you all are doing well.   I have missed not being on my blog I really have.  I just need to make time to be on more often.     I thought it would be nice to just have these set around on my shelves in my kitchen, which by the way, is where she would often visit, (in her home).    It's another work day or should I say evening.   Yep.   And its been so dry and HOT outside.   Have to keep veggies watered every day.    Thank you for stopping by.   Sending out hugs, and love ya!   Leave a comment to let me know you've been by... I love to read them.  ♥   Mary 

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Snowflakes are falling

Hello Crafty Friends,  There is a new Challenge over at Christmas Crafts All Year Round ~  here is the card I made silver snowflakes.   I wasn't sure how to begin with the designing of this card trying all sorts of backgrounds, should I use a focal point or add a deer...  so thought a clean & simple design would do the trick.  

The card base is black - from Paper Temptress;  the "blue" is really a teal color, from My Favorite Things;  the silver snowflakes are from my stash.   With clear gems added for effect.   I think this card would work as a masculine card too. 

So come on over to CCAYR for this month's Challenge, the theme is Snowflakes.
Thank you for visiting, leave a comment before you go!
Hugs, Mary

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Dogwood Blossoms

 Hello friends,   Thought I would post this card I made this evening, for a friend.   Actually, its a print of Dogwood Blossoms that I thought was beautiful and so I just added in coloring touches using Tim Holtz distress oxide in Saltwater Taffy, such a pretty color!  Used a dry paint brush technique.    The design paper is from Paper House.   I just love it.   And added in a butterfly from Renae Bouquets.    Would love to know what you think of this card.   Hugs, Mary   * It's been a while since I've posted anything, just busy with work for the most part.  I did have a couple of days off.   Work again tomorrow.   That's why I'm up late this evening crafting. :)   Have a good weekend.  ♥ 

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Delicate Peony Card

Hello my crafty friends,  I felt so inspired this evening that I had to draw this peony.  It reminds me of the beautiful peonies that grow out in front of my house, mine are a deep pink with double blooms.   All the flowers are spent now, but now I have a way to remember their beauty.   I didn't really have a reason to make this only that I was also remembering my mother, and how much she loved these flowers. 

For this design I used the following:

Image: Delicate Peony - hand drawn by me :)

Prisma pencils

Flowered background paper from Kaisercraft - Rosabella Collection

And the base card is from PaperTemptress 

 Thank you for dropping by, leave a comment. 

Hugs, Mary

I will be entering my card into the following challenges:

A Perfect Time to Craft - Challenge # 6-2022 - Anything Goes

Use Your Stuff challenge #449 - Anything Goes

Pink Gem Challenge Blog - Wk 12 - Anything Goes

Creations In Pink - Challenge #46 - Anything Goes, Mainly Pink

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Creativity gone whut?

 Creativity gone wild?  Not really.  Just couldn't think of anything to call this design.  ;)  This was made by me, a while back.  Just something for fun and to pass the time I would imagine.   Hope you like it.     

Mary ♥

Follow Me

 You know sometimes I do forget to use other social outlets to broadcast my posts, well it wasn't until I visited Maxine's site that I was reminded that I too have a Bloglovin' acct.   Here it is so you can all follow me there too if you wish.  :)    I'm gonna have to remember to upload there too.   Okay, just a quickie check in.  :)  


Going postal.. freebie

 Good evening,  its been such a beautiful day!   Great day to be off from work.  It seems to take me a few days to recuperate.  ;)     Our veggie container garden is doing well, once I upload some pics I will show you.    I haven't created anything in a while.     I did order some more things from Renae Bouquet just recently and I am looking forward to working on another project soon.   Who knows I may start on something this evening.   Let me share with you another freebie to use on your crafty projects if you wish.   This is a collage that I made.  :)    Some elements are from Tim Holtz, while other is from actual postage, let me know if you do like it.   As always I appreciate your kind comments.    Well if I think I am going to work on something better get going with it before the night draws near.     Hugs, Mary

More vintage cards

 Hi, wanted to get in another post before I head into the kitchen and put dinner on.   Here are some more of the vintage cards.   * All were scanned, so there will be stains, and basically they are old.*

Hugs, Mary :)